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Blinking Forward / Vorblinzeln
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2024, Farbe, 4 min., eOF / Kinderkino dOF
Diagonale 2024

Director, Production Design: Carola Dertnig
Script: Carola Dertnig, Text: Carola Dertnig, Amelie Bachfischer
Cast: Felicia Dertnig, Flora Buchberger, Alma Brugger, Erzählstimme: Marie Themel
Camera: Ferdinand Cibulka
Editor: Katharina Cibulka
Sounddesign: Amann Studios, Jürgen Brunner
Costumes: Carola Dertnig, Felicia Dertnig, Alma Brugger, Flora Buchberger
Additional Credits: Farbkorrektur: Antonius Bacak
Producers: Carola Dertnig, Assistenz: Amelie Bachfischer
Production: Carola Dertnig


The three young protagonists roll a symbolic “stone” through the area and appropriate public space in a performative and playful way. A poem in rhyme: “Raum wird nicht gegeben, Raum nimmt man ein. Es ist Zeit, bereit für das Neue zu sein [Space, you take, space isn’t given to you. The time has come, to be ready for the new.]”

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