Virgil & Evan
Short Documentary Film, DE 2012, Farbe+SW, 17 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2014
Director, Script: Franziska Pflaum
Cast: mit: Virgil Segal, Evan Dreux
Camera: Christoph Rohrscheidt
Editor: Emma Gräf
Location Sound: Vincent Fischer, Christoph Kozik
Music: Virgil Segal, Evan Dreux
Producers: Alexander Saidow
Production: HFF „Konrad Wolf“ (DE)
Virgil and Evan, street musicians, dreamers, yet two very different people. One a perfectionist, the other a lighthearted free spirit. The camera follows them as they play gigs in Berlin, focusing on faces and atmosphere, on spontaneous liveliness. A musical 16mm poem about the contradiction between passion and money as well as diverging conceptions of life and friendship.