Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2017, Farbe, 9 min., kein Dialog
Diagonale 2017

Director, Script: Katrina Daschner
Cast: Hyo Lee, Nora Safranek, Sushila Mesquita, Gisi Hakanson, Denise Kottlett
Camera: Hannes Böck
Editor: Katrina Daschner, Hannes Böck
Additional Credits:
Tonmischung: Oliver Stotz
Producers: Katrina Daschner, Denice Bourbon
Production: Lady Chutney Productions
In a surreal montage of fragments of animal and human bodies, Katrina Daschner’s Pferdebusen intensifies to a sensual-metaphoric discourse about psychosexual ambivalence, models for femininity, fantasies of fear and lust, desire and the repression of urges. Exchange and touching via an exchange of glances. Then the eruption: out of the picture, into freedom.