Der Hofrat Geiger
AT 1947, Schwarzweiß, 97 min.
Diagonale 2016

Director: Hans Wolff
Script: Hans Wolff, Martin Costa nach dem gleichnamigen musikalischen Lustspiel von Martin Costa
Cast: Hans Moser, Paul Hörbiger, Maria Andergast, Waltraut Haas, Louis Soldan u. a.
Camera: Rudolf Icsey, Ladislaus Szemte
Music: Hans Lang
Production: Willy Forst-Filmproduktion
Many people remember only the “Mariandl” song from Der Hofrat Geiger. In the successful production — in the guise of a sentimental regional film — also tested out is a coming to terms with the past and making amends: Paul Hörbiger plays a court councilor who retired in 1938, whose (private) history catches up with him. In the intact Wachau, the film ultimately reconciles with the horrors of history, which suddenly seem so far away.