Semmelweis – Retter der Mütter
DDR 1950, Schwarzweiß, 98 min.
Diagonale 2016

Director: Georg C. Klaren
Script: Alexander Stenbock-Fermor, Joachim Barckhausen
Cast: Karl Paryla, Käthe Braun, Angelika Hauff, Herbert Hübner, Eduard von Winterstein, Camilla Spira
Camera: Eugen Klagemann
Editor: Lena Neumann
Location Sound: Adolf Jansen
Music: Herbert Trantow
Production Design: Emil Hasler
Costumes: Walter Schulze-Mittendorff
Additional Credits: Dramaturgie: Marieluise Steinhauer
Production: DEFA – Herstellungsgruppe Kurt Hahne
Karl Paryla is brilliant in this drama about Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, the doctor at Vienna’s General Hospital who entered the history of modern medicine as “savior of mothers.” Semmelweis — Retter der Mütter is no common biopic, but rather, a highly interesting attempt at combining scientific and political progress in 1848, the year of the revolution.