Vienna is Different: 50 Years after the Anschluss
US 1989, Farbe, 75 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2016

Director: Susan Korda, David Leitner
Script: Susan Korda, David Leitner
Cast: Mitwirkende: Nicolas Kukula, Kurt Waldheim, Erwin Ringel, Gerald Teufel, Niki List, Maximilian Schell, Ilya Gerol, Ernst Hallig, Stefan Hofer, Gustav Ernst, Wolfgang Tomek, Peter Malina, Gustav Spann, Thomas Stern, Sonya Oster, Kurt Diemann
Camera: David Leitner
Editor: Susan Korda
Location Sound: Susan Korda
Additional Credits: Uraufführung: 11. Februar 1989, Internationales Forum des jungen Films
Producers: Susan Korda, David Leitner
Production: Leitmotiv Filmproduktion mit Unterstützung der New York Foundation for the Arts
In her 1988 TV documentary Alltagsgeschichte – Am Stammtisch, which was never broadcast, Elizabeth T. Spira listens to discussions among Austrian pub patrons and stirs up the fascist sentiments deep within them. Around the same time, Vienna is Different: 50 Years after the Anschluss takes a wider focus and assembles voices from individuals and institutions, public advertising and demonstrations. It is not so much what is being said but by whom and in which context that gives shape to a certain topic at a certain time in a certain place.