U.F.O.s above Berlin 2 - Last Resistance
Short Film, DE/AT 2013, Farbe, 19 min., eOF
Diagonale 2013

Director: Eros Manzoni, Richard Wilhelmer
Script: Daniel Etessami
Cast: Roman Snihurowych, Dominic Kram u.a.
Camera: Alexander Klein
Editor: Alexander Murygin
Location Sound: Scott Mecleod, Clemens Brix, Christian Schossig
Music: Boris Mihatsch, Telonio
Sounddesign: Christian Obermaier, Jochen Jezussek
Producers: Björn Gerling, Leili Gabriele Klein, Alexander Klein, Frank Krug, Sven Johannssen, Caroline Seider
Production: Silverstar Studios
An extraterrestrial invasion in Berlin: The former population marches through the streets, as if controlled by an unknown force. Only a few remain to resist and fight, alongside Ron Fox, against the zombie-mob and their subjugation. With the apparent defector, Marty, it is perhaps the last chance for a turning point in the war. U.F.O.s above Berlin 2 is a bold end-of-days genre piece.