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excursus on fitness
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2010, Schwarzweiß, 12 min., ohne Dialog
Diagonale 2013

Director, Script: Josef Dabernig
Cast: Otto Zitko, Isabella Hollauf, Ingeburg Wurzer, Josef Dabernig, Wolfgang Dabernig, Anna Dabernig
Camera: Christian Giesser
Additional Credits: Schnittkonzept: Josef Dabernig Avid Schnitt: Daniel Hamersky
Producers: Josef Dabernig, MAK Wien


Six female and male performers in various stages of life and states of physical fitness perform simple physical exercises. In doing so, the focus is less on achievement and physical training as such than it is on the disciplining of – and an existential relation­ ship to – the body. In this tableau­like staging, communication within the group is frozen into a geometry of gestures and gazes.

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