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Short Film, AT 2011, Farbe, 40 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2011

Director: Umut Dag
Script: Stefanie Franz
Cast: Murathan Muslu, Magdalena Kronschläger
Camera: Georg Geutebrück
Editor: Claudia Linzer
Location Sound: Sergey Martynyuk
Music: Dimitri Giannikopoulos
Sounddesign: Sergey Martynyuk
Producers: Umut Dag, Philipp Grandits
Production: Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien


The protagonist, a man in his early 30s, is primarily interested in one thing: rap music. The family always comes second. After his wife leaves him over night, he can no longer ignore his sons. Even though the emotional distance seems irreconcilable, he increasingly gains authority in his paternal role – that is, until mother Conny suddenly returns. Papa is touchingly close to the characters, supported by a camera that reacts instead of directs.

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