Ich denke oft an Hawaii
Documentary Film, DE 1977, Farbe+SW, 82 min.
Diagonale 2011

Director: Elfi Mikesch
Script: Elfi Mikesch
Cast: Carmen Rossol, Ruth Rossol, Tito Rossol
Camera: Elfi Mikesch
Editor: Elfi Mikesch, Elfie Tillack
Producers: Elfi Mikesch, Laurens Straub
Production: Oh Muvie Film
Co-production: ZDF
Elfi Mikesch’s first feature length documentary Ich denke oft an Hawaii is an experimental piece on isolation, residential housing complexes, speechlessness, and the distance between Berlin and Hawaii. In an empathic and visually poetic portrait, Mikesch introduces the reality and dream world of 16-year old Carmen Rossol. The filmmaker lived next door to the Rossol family for 12 years without knowing them. The script was written together with Carmen and her family.