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Let's make MONEY
Documentary Film, AT 2008, Farbe, 107 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2009

Director: Erwin Wagenhofer
Script: Erwin Wagenhofer
Camera: Erwin Wagenhofer
Editor: Paul M. Sedlacek
Location Sound: Lisa Ganser
Sounddesign: Helmut Neugebauer
Producers: Helmut Grasser
Production: Allegro Film
Co-production: in Zusammenarbeit mit dem ORF


“Let your money work for you!” is a favourite slogan of banks and building societies, but money doesn't work, only people, animals and machines work. Erwin Wagenhofer follows the trail of money through the global financial system. He shows the route taken to accounts in rich Western industrial nations, by the wealth created by Spanish building workers, African farmers and Indian workers – while they themselves remain in poverty.

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