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Feature Film, AT 1983, Farbe, 79 min., dOF
Diagonale 2024

Director: Gerald Kargl
Script: Gerald Kargl, Zbigniew Rybczyński
Cast: Erwin Leder, Silvia Rabenreither, Edith Rosset, Rudolf Götz
Camera: Zbigniew Rybczyński
Editor: Zbigniew Rybczyński
Location Sound: Rolf Wiegand
Music: Klaus Schulze
Costumes: Michaela Donau
Additional Credits: Eine neu rekonstruierte und digital restaurierte Fassung des Filmarchiv Austria
Producers: Gerald Kargl, Josef Reitinger-Laska
Production: Gerald Kargl


Loosely based on a real criminal case, Gerald Kargl’s only feature-length film, congenially scored by Klaus Schulze, tells the story of a nameless young man (Erwin Leder) who, having just been released from prison, goes on a manhunt in a villa. This exceptional work, which combines psychological empathy with a distanced, almost mechanical visual language, has lost none of its radicalness even a good forty years after its creation.

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