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Standin’ – 17 Early Mornings
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2023, Farbe, 6 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2023

Director: Patrick Topitschnig
Script: Patrick Topitschnig
Cast: Patrick Topitschnig, Petra Fuchs, Ulrich A. Reiterer, Tom Juncker
Camera: Patrick Topitschnig, Ulrich A. Reiterer, Clemens Schmiedbauer,
Editor: Patrick Topitschnig
Producers: Patrick Topitschnig


A montage of video material that arose in various cultural institutions, showing the exact same situation: a man (Patrick Topitschnig) in front of the camera, who changes his position in the space, his posture, and his line of vision on command. He seems tired, indifferent, with too little demanded of him. A pleasantly self-deprecating look at invisible work in the culture industry. Those who have no standing serve as stand-ins, but Topitschnig is still standin’.

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