Contact High
Feature Film, AT/DE/LU/PL 2009, Farbe, 100 min., dOF
Diagonale 2022

Director: Michael Glawogger
Script: Michael Ostrowski, Michael Glawogger
Cast: Michael Ostrowski, Raimund Wallisch, Georg Friedrich, Detlev Buck, Hilde Dalik, Pia Hierzegger u. a.
Camera: Wolfgang Thaler
Editor: Monika Willi
Location Sound: Paul Oberle
Sounddesign: Out of Silence/Matz Müller, Erik Mischijew
Production Design: Renate Martin, Andreas Donhauser
Producers: Erich Lackner, Claus Boje, Marianna Rowinska, Nicolas Steil, Franz Novotny
Production: Lotus-Film
Co-production: Boje Buck Produktion (DE), Ozumi Films (PL), Iris Productions (LU), Novotny & Novotny
Austrian film history knows nothing quite like the trilogy Slugs, Contact High, and Hotel Rock’n’Roll, which (successfully!) aims to translate the pop culture trinity of sex, drugs & rock’n’roll into cinematographic terms. These brainchilds of late director Michael Glawogger and writer-actor Michael Ostrowski give a unique spin on Austrian comedy, and the second part, in particular, is unsurpassed in its psychedelic joy. Cinema as hallucinogenic drug.