Go! Go! Go!
Innovative Cinema Short, US 1964, Farbe, 12 min., stumm
Diagonale 2020
Director: Marie Menken
Pedestrians, strollers, vagabonds—five cinematic
walks lead from Prague (Bezùcelnà prochàzka
– Aimless Walk) to New York (Aimless Walk – Alexander
Hammid), into the hurried bustle of the Big Apple
(Go! Go! Go!), back to Vienna, to a city that doesn’t
exist (A Tale of Two Cities), and end in archive
recordings of Vienna (cityscapes) that develop a life
of their own and contemplate the future perception
of the cities in the digital era.
This film would have been part of the program „Prag – New York – Wien“ in the Diagonale’20 historical special Sehnsucht 2020 – City and Desire.
Prag – New York – Wien
Bezúčelná procházka (Aimless Walk – Spaziergang ins Blaue) (R: Alexander Hammid, CZ 1930)
Aimless Walk – Alexander Hammid (R: Martina Kudláček, AT/CZ 1996)
Go! Go! Go! (R: Marie Menken, FR 1962–1964)
A Tale of Two Cities (R: Jem Cohen, AT 2007)
cityscapes (R: Michaela Grill, Martin Siewert, AT 2007)