The Last Panthers - Pilote Episode
Feature Film, GB/FR 2015, Farbe, 60 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2016

Director: Johan Renck
Script: Jack Thorne, basierend auf einer Idee von Jérôme Pierrat
Cast: Samantha Morton, John Hurt, Tahar Rahim, Goran Bogdan, Yann Ebongé, Karim Leklou u. a.
Camera: Laurent Tangy
Editor: Luke Dunkley, Yorgos Lamprinos
Producers: Caroline Benjo, Peter Carlton, Jimmy Desmarais
Production: Haut et Court TV
Co-production: Warp Films
A model of diversity: The Last Panthers is an epically dense, multilingual crime drama that will establish a language for European series. With reference to discussion of television’s perspectives, the Diagonale is screening the first two episodes of the six-part series in an exclusive Sky Night.