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Unser Lied
Short Film, AT 2012, Farbe, 29 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2012

Director, Script: Catalina Molina
Cast: Conrado Molina, Namiya Ettel, Emily Cox, Michael Fuith, Natalie Assmann u.a.
Camera: Klemens Hufnagl
Editor: Matthias Halibrand
Location Sound: Laura Endres
Music: Conrado Molina
Sounddesign: Laura Endres
Production Design: Nina Salak, Laura Nasmyth
Costumes: Hannah Follert
Producers: David Bohun, Senad Halilbasic


Father by day, and musician by night; as a single parent, Coni barely gets by. The occasional photo is the only testament to his daughter’s mother, until one day when she shows up at his door, testing his conviction. Wrapped in a fictional storyline, Our Song is the study of a real father-daughter relationship, whose tenderness comes across powerfully in its visual portrayal.

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