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Die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies
Documentary Film, AT 1978, 87 min., dOF
Diagonale 2023

Director: Bernhard Frankfurter
Cast: Franz Ringel, Wolfgang Bauer, Joe Berger, Peter Gorsen, Reinhard Priessnitz, Dietmar Tadler
Camera: Felix Bierbaum, Karl Spindler, Robert Hawelka
Editor: Silvia Wollner
Location Sound: Peter Hilbich, Gottfried Moser, S. Nentwich, Willi Hartl, B. Sandler
Production: ORF


Die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies is not a conventional portrait of an artist, but rather, documents the creation of the eponymous painting by Franz Ringel. The creative process is not depicted as isolated from the painter’s everyday life, instead, the film asks what drives the artist. To start with, the short film Asyl explores the living conditions in a poverty stricken area in Graz, the notorious Barackenlager Nord (Barrack Camp North).

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