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GLI APPUNTI DI ANNA AZZORI – Uno specchio che viaggia nel tempo
Innovative Cinema, AT/FR/DE 2020, Farbe+SW, 72 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2020

Director: Constanze Ruhm
Script: Konzept & Realisation: Constanze Ruhm
Camera: Hannes Böck
Editor: Hannes Böck, Constanze Ruhm
Producers: Constanze Ruhm


The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Constanze Ruhm meets Anna in an archive in Alberto Grifi’s and Massimo Sarchielli’s four-hour documentary ANNA from the 1970s. Trying to figure out who Anna was, the reflections lead to a journey through space and time. The young woman whom Grifi and Sarchielli once encountered in Piazza Navona in Rome, Ruhm meets everywhere: in computer animations, at nighttime shootings, during demonstrations, and in literature.

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