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Wir sind in die Welt gevögelt und können nicht fliegen. Der Dichter Werner Schwab
Short Documentary Film, AT 2010, Farbe+SW, 41 min.
Diagonale 2011

Director, Script, Editor, Location Sound: Stephan Bergmann
Cast: mit Ernst M. Binder, Werner Schwab, Ingeborg Orthofer, Aloisia Schwab, Rudi Widerhofer, Christian Marczik u.a.
Camera: Janis Mazuch
Music: FM Einheit, Binder & Krieglstein
Sounddesign: Ralf Schipke
Producers: Stephan Bergmann
Production: KHM Köln


Based on interviews, performances, and found objects, Bergmann approaches the person and art figure that the playwright Werner Schwab pretended to be or maybe was. In only three years before his untimely death, Schwab completed 15 powerfully eloquent plays. He knew how to entertain both boulevard and feuilleton by skillfully staging himself. A film about possibly the very first pop star in theater, about a son, and a partner, and also about the people who were close to him.

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